For the Prada Fall/Winter 2024 menswear show, AMO creates a set design juxtaposing an office interior with a natural landscape. Demonstrating the paradoxical dichotomy between these two coexisting worlds, this show explores fundamental truths of humanity, our natural instincts, our emotional needs.
There is simple assertion, of a deep and essential human need to connect with the world around us. The seasonal rhythms of nature, the natural order, determine gestures within garments. These clothes in turn reflect and react to their surroundings, to these disparate and distinct environments, interior and exterior.

This collection is about something basic – the emotional instinct to remain attached to something that we know, the cycles of nature. A world with seasons, with weather, not an artificial reality. These clothes reflect the idea of the environment and of the seasons – wherever you may live. There is a sense of the outdoors, of the actuality of nature, and direct expression of the desire to go outside, to experience the world.